Hannah Tadlock
Florence-Darlington Technical College
"I worked so hard for my EMT certification, and now that I’m an apprentice with Guardian Ambulance, I look forward to perfecting my work…"
After recently graduating from Florence-Darlington Technical College, Hannah Tadlock is now an EMT apprentice with Guardian Ambulance, meeting the non-emergency medical transportation needs of patients in central and eastern South Carolina. This work is the perfect fit for Hannah, who enjoys serving others and building relationships with her coworkers.
In fact, it’s her relationships that have had the greatest influence on her college and career journey. We caught up with her to learn about a few of them.
Let’s start with your mom. Her experience while you were growing up is a big part of what drives you to be successful, correct?
Yes – I want to break generational curses! After my parents divorced, money was a big issue in my home. My mom had always stayed at home, so she had no education or work experience. I told myself from a really young age that I never wanted to be in that situation. But I also watched her do better for herself. She has since become a paramedic and a deputy sheriff. From the time I was able to tag along with her on calls, I fell in love with the work and – more especially – the community.
When I graduated from high school, I worked in the food service industry for a long time. Without that experience, I don’t think I would be as social as I am today. That helped with being an EMT because a lot of the time, patients just want someone to talk to. Developing good people skills helped me learn to be a better listener. But even though I made friends in food service, it was never like the bonds I saw my mom have with her work partners. I wanted that for myself.
If that was your mom’s influence, then who is Mama Kate?
Only my favorite instructor, by far! Kate Smith has such a gentle, welcoming energy about her. She always explained things in a way that didn’t sound like gibberish.
Not only did she encourage me and my classmates to support each other, but she also helped me see my potential. I’ll never forget one time when we were doing scenarios and I had an idea on how to move a patient. I told my crew my idea, but no one agreed. So I let them do it their way. After the scenario was over, Kate pulled me aside and said that my idea was good and I needed to listen to myself and speak up. It was my scene, my patient, so I should have spoken up and taken charge. Her belief in me helped me believe in myself. Everyone deserves a Mama Kate!
And your husband also played a big role in your success.
My husband Trystan supported me through all of my mental breakdowns! I remember when it was getting close to final exam day, and I had stressed myself out to the max. I had studied so much my brain hurt. Trystan was there to tell me to take a step back and breathe. He always reminded me of how smart I was, and on the days I didn’t know if I could do it anymore, he pushed me.
I worked so hard for my EMT certification, and now that I’m an apprentice with Guardian Ambulance, I look forward to perfecting my work and practicing all of the basic life-saving skills: CPR, splinting, bleeding control, EpiPens, etc. After that, I am definitely going back to college to get my Paramedic certification, which will allow me to provide advanced life support, like giving drugs, starting IVs, and things of that nature.
And what’s this about Henrietta Lacks…?!
I love to read! One book that I’ve read that connects to my profession is The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Lacks’ “immortal” cells helped revolutionize the medical field, but there were so many dark questions around the legitimacy of that experiment. It was an interesting read, but I really prefer true crime and horror. I’m a big Stephen King fan!
Might forensic medicine also be in Hannah’s future? Maybe, maybe not -- but we wish her the best as she continues to pursue her college and career goals!